Projects with minimal settings and no need for environment awareness can use a single config.toml file at its root. Every root setting object can stand as its own file and structured by environments. The config directory is where those directives are stored as JSON, YAML, or TOML files. config Hugo ships with a large number of configuration directives. Note: assets directory is not created by default. Rel are used will be published to the public directory. assets Stores all the files which need be processed by Hugo Pipes. You can create your own archetypes with custom preconfigured front matter fields as well. This saves time and promotes consistency for sites using multiple content types. archetypes You can create new content files in Hugo using the hugo new command.īy default, Hugo will create new content files with at least date, title (inferred from the file name), and draft = true. The following is a high-level overview of each of the directories with links to each of their respective sections within the Hugo docs.
Running the hugo new site generator from the command line will create a directory structure with the following elements.